Arella's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011

2 months!!!!

-Im talking non stop... I laugh so much too! I enjoy playing with my toys and starting to grab them!!!

- My first trip was to Ocala with mommy and daddy!! We went from Jan 17th to 21st... I loved my trip!! I slept the whole ride from home to Ocala and back! I love my Kangaroo so much too, I enjoy watching everything!

-My new thing is I LOVE TV!! I enjoy watching tv soo much even though mommy hates it! I get hipnotized just watching it. I love the backyardigans so much that I kick and laugh when Im watching it, I scream too!!!

- From 8-10 weeks...Im sleeping from 12 to 6 and Im still being swaddled but just one hand inside.

-Im having some attitude when I have gas.. I get so cranky I scream! I also want my milk as soon as I wake up if not Im throwing a fit! Definitely not what mommy wants, I definitely have a strong character!

- My 2month appointment was on Jan 25th. Weight 12.6lbs and Height 24 inches. Head circunference on the 60th %. I had 2 more shots and one oral vaccine... Polio, Rotavirus and Neomococo, I screamed soo much my mommy almost cried too!! It took me a good 45 minutes to stop... I got my right leg all red and sore that they had to put some cold compresses on it, which helped a lot. Dr changed my formula to Enfamil Gentlease because of gas... but I will be mostly breastfeeding :) She said Im growing great and Im in the 90% for height and 80% for weight. Next appointment is when Im 4 months, YAY for no more shots for the next 2 months!!!

-Mommy and Daddy went to Kentucky on an mini "honeymoon" and I stayed with my grandparents!! I missed them soo much but I was such a good girl!! They went from Feb 5 to Feb 8th.

- Around my 10th-11th week I started sleeping through the night!! I will go to bed around 9 to 9:30pm and wake up around 6 to 630 most of the nights!! Also on Feb 5th the moved me to my room!! Mommy was soo upset and scared she slept with me in my room! After that Im sleeping with Nanny Coco and I sleep so much better :)

- Mommy went back to work on Feb 9th and about two days later I started to give her BIG tantrums when she was back from work!! I will start crying immediately when I saw her like if she left me all day alone.. im just a little spoiled girl :) They only want to soothe me was breastfeeding me!

- I also started my Gymboree classes on Feb 12th.. and OMG I love them sooo much!! My favorite part is definitely the parachute! I love the bubbles too! I keep laughing and giggling the whole class, my parents were soo proud of me!

- Since week 11th and Im having formula and breastmilk every other feeding, mommy is pumping at work at max 6 oz which is what I eat every 3 hours, so she will bf me before work and then I will have formula, then expressed milk, then formula, and then she is back to nurse me again!! At night Im eating between 5-6 oz!!

-Im about to rollover from my back!! I get stuck in the middle of the way but Im working through it!! Also at 11wks I started trying to sit up, whenever they grab my hands all I want to do is sit!

- In the mornings after I eat I love to snuggle with mommy in her bed, I usually can nap up to 3 hours with her!! Most of the time just 1-2 hours though.

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