Arella's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 to 8th week update!

Here is my second month update!!

5 weeks:

- Poop... OMG its an explosion!! I go either once a day or if I skip one day the next day is double whammy! Its soo much that I need to get changed!
- I'm doing a lot of tummy time, I get a bit cranky when I do it too long, but I'm doing it great!
- I'm much alert, I started playing in my crib. I love my mobile and my piano, I love music!
- I'm no longer swaddled, I cant stand having my arms tucked in!
- I had some good and bad night sleeps, sometimes 4 to 6 hrs a night! I'm sleeping a lot less during the day.
- I love to go out, I'm such a well behaved baby!! I love to be in the car too, I instantly calm when the car is going and the music is on!

6 weeks:

- Drs appointment: weight 11.10 lbs and 24 inches, head was 15.2. Two vaccines, DFT and measles and my earrings!!! I got a bad reaction to one of the vaccines and my leg was sore, red, and hot! I was cranky all day, crying all the time until finally I fall asleep on my bouncer with mommy rocking me and putting some cold napkins to get the soreness away. Finally woke up around 6 feeling much better!
- I'm not pooping many times a day anymore, more like once a day or every other day, but when I go its a LOT!
- I also started sleeping 7 hrs!! mostly from 12:30 to 7:30!! I'm also more awake during the day, I love to play and I stay longer in my pack n play watching everything!!
- I'm trying to talk too!! More constants "AGUUU" and laughing a lot too!
- I recognize my mom and daddy and my grandparents and uncles too!! If I hear my mom near I start crying so that she can held me!!
- I'm having some baby tantrums when I'm eating too, mostly when I breastfeed... I want mommy to sing to me so I can calm down and eat :) I get desperate some times because my milk doesn't come fast enough, so I want formula!

7 weeks:

- Im sleeping horrible this week!! Waking up at 3-4am!!
- Im talking a lot more
- Im going out a lot more... and I love to poop in the car!! I also love music and my pacifier, I love when the car moves and hate when the car stops!
- I love to be out of the house, I sleep great in the car and in my stroller... not so much when Im home though :)

8 weeks:

- Sleeping much better!! From 12 to 6 every night!!
- Im talking all the time, its non stop!! I also smile all day long even to strangers! Im such a happy girl :)
-I love my toys!! Specially my mobile and my mirror!!! I can spend a lot of time just watching my toys and screaming, I get super excited, Im growing way too fast!!
-My favorite time of the day is bath time... since day 1 I love my bath and I get super cranky when is time to take my bath and my mommy is late!! I also hate when my mommy takes me out.... I want to be dressed very quickly because I want to eat!! My bath is around 7pm.


Dec 19th: First time to a restaurant!!!
Dec 20th: My first laugh with sound!!
Dec 22th: My first time going to the mall!
Dec 29th: Got my earrings!!
Dec 30th: My first party at night!

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