Arella's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

4 month update!!

- Drs appointment on the 18th of March. Weight 14.8 and Lenght 25 inches, about 75% for both. They told me now I can have CEREAL!! Yayyy!! Didnt have my shots that day since I have been sneezing for a couple of days and have some dry "mocos" (boogers).

- On March 21st I had CEREAL for the first time!! It was mixed with BM and I was spoon fed, I love it!! I was soo happy I just wanted more and more!!!

- Im laughing non stop, I even had tickles!! Im starting to reach out to people I like :)

- Im trying to rollover but I cant yet!!

- I still sleep swaddled but with one arm out. I sleep through the night... mostly from 930 to 730, my scheduled changed since daylight savings started.

-Im screaming in the car, mommy is having a hard time teaching me how to self soothe.

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