Arella's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 months update!

WOW I'm growing too fast!!! I'm such a happy girl!! and my family cant get enough of me!! :)

-I'm still sleeping through the night most of the days!! I'm now having a bath at around 730 before it was more like 830. I sleep from 9pm-7am.

-I don't have much gas anymore, just sometimes :)

- I'm even talking more!!! I'm even saying ma-ma-ma!! I scream and laugh all day long, everyone is impressed of how much I talk and that I'm always happy!

-I love to go out!! Love being in the car, while its moving, and love going to the mall and watching around! I also can spend a long time playing with my toys!!

- I started using the bumbo!! I still lift my head to one side so looks like I'm not "that" ready yet!! I'm a little lazy when it comes to tummy time!

- I love my gymboree classes, I enjoy them sooo much!!

- I'm starting to recognize everyone in my house, and I tend to want "certain" people to feed me, specially mommy, daddy and grandma.

- I cry non stop when i see mommy back from work, I miss her too much!! She resign her job and got plenty new offers, she is excited for a possibility of a part time job to stay home with me.

-I'm using size 2 diapers and clothes 6-9months... Not sure how much I weight but we think around 15 lbs! and I have definitely grow since my pants fit much better! I'm not chubby, I'm a skinny tall girl :)

-Everyone is saying I'm looking a lot more like daddy... my eyes are green and everyone is hoping they stay that way! My hair is getting curlier... like mommy!! This is what most of the people think: I'm very white like my grandma Anita and grandpa Ricardo, my eye color is daddy's, eyes shape they don't know, nose: grandpa Ricardo, mouth: some say mommy some say daddy, face shape: daddy, hair: mommy, hands: my great grandma Tula, feet: daddy, rest of the body: mommy.

- For future references: pampers diapers are $42 per box for 184, wipes are $15 for about 700, formula is $7 a can of enfamil gentelease ready to use formula 32oz, water about 1.5 per gallon, that is basically what I use the most. Looks like we might be trying Luvs diapers to save some money :)

-Pooping: about 2 times a day and A LOT! It gets through my clothes! Until I changed my diapers from Pampers to Luvs... now is stays in my diaper!!! My favorite place to poop is the car :)

-I'm loosing a lot of hair!!! New hair is coming out brown with some red highlights instead of black, which is the color I was born with.

- Mommy started having GAIA Lactate support and she now pumps about 10 oz a day, plus she nurses me every morning.

-My schedule looks like this usually... Nurse around 7am, Nap 7:45 to 830, Eat 930 (formula-6oz), Nap 1130 to 12, Eat 12:30 (6oz of BM), Nap 2:30-3:15, Eat 330 (6oz of formula), Nap 6-6:30, Eat 630 (4-5oz of BM), Bath (730), Eat 8 (6oz of formula), Sleep at 9 until 7am next day. I play in my bumbo, do tummy time, watch Dora and Backyardigans, go to the park, are my activities for the day :)

-The backyardigans and Dora are my favorite shows, I watch about two 30 minute episodes every day, I enjoy them soo much.

- I love going to the park and watching kids, I also like the swing (of course I go with mommy and daddy on their lap).

- I'm starting to have separation anxiety attacks!! Every time I don't see someone I know around me I start crying like crazy! I also do that when someone that I don't know picks me up, I cry hysterically!

-I'm laughing soo hard, my parents laugh too! I love when they tickle me!!

-Mommy decided to be a WAHM, so we will be spending a lot of time home while she works :)

- At the end of my third month, I'm teething like crazy!! I scream when i get those cold teething toys because I want to bite them so hard! I'm putting everything into my mouth!!!

-Mommy and Daddy put together a little playground in their room, I love my gym and the toys I have in there, I spend a lot of time playing!

-AF arrived on Feb 24th... booo!! Mommy was really hoping she will stay away while bf... no luck there!

- Nicknames: Poki, Poki pu, Pinky, Princesa.

- Favorite words (in spanish): Punete patada, chinuras, pelos de la ino.

2 months pictures!!