Arella's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

1 month old :)

This is a summary of my first month of life :)

Birthday: I was born with 9.1lb and 21 inches, a head full of hair, and a very healthy baby. I started latching right away, and mommy will supplement with formula, about 1oz each feeding at the hospital which is what they told her to do. I would eat up to 2oz by the time I got home. I lost some weight by the time I left the hospital... 8.7 lbs. I was born with a very small heart murmur that they believe it will go away when I'm 2 months old.

1st week:

Me: I had my first Drs appointment at 6 days old... I weighted 9lb 2.5 oz and 21 inches. Dr said I was more than 90% for both, she didn't tell me the exact percentages. I'm eating every 3-4 hours, I love to sleep, and I'm a very happy baby, already smiling a lot.

Mommy: She had her incision check, which was perfect. The Dr did tell her that she has an umbilical hernia, since I broke her naval muscle. I guess I was too big for her :) Out of the 30 lbs she lost 20lbs already, way to go!!

Food: I'm eating 4 oz at night :) And I pass gas very easily. I love to eat!! I'm trying my best to breastfeed but mommy doesn't have enough milk, so she needs to supplement with 2 oz of formula after each feeding and 4oz at night.

Sleeping: I'm waking up every 3-4 hours, and at night every 4 hours. Mommy is very happy with my schedule.

2nd week:

Me: Another Drs appointment, I'm up to 21.5 inches and 9.6oz lbs! Dr said she no longer hears the murmur, most likely is gone!!! We have a cardiologist appt on Feb 1st just to make sure. The day before I turned 2 weeks old, I my umbilical cord stump fall off!! They put off some silver nitrate for better psychiatrization. Dr S said my weight is for a 2month old and my height for a 3 month old, I'm a big girl!

Mommy: Mommy has lost 4 more lbs... so just 6 more to go! She is feeling much better from the incision, by the end of this week she was almost back to normal, no more pain!!

Food: Mommy finally got more milk!! She is just supplementing at night around 1030-11 when I'm just eating formula, 5 oz!! Mommy is taking mothers milk tea and lots of water, she is making more milk but not yet enough for me :)

Sleeping: Since I turned 10 days old, I'm sleeping 5 hours at night!! I'm such a good baby :)

3rd week:

Me: I'm such a happy baby! I eat, and sleep like a champ! I poop and pee a lot too! I'm starting to smile a lot more too!!

Mommy: Got more milk!! Started fenugreek and mothers milk tea! She now feels perfect, no more pain from the csection incision!

Food: Eating 6 oz at night of formula! Breastfeeding the rest of the day!

Sleeping: I'm sleeping almost 6 hrs every night!

4th week:

Me: I'm now laughing! I'm starting to recognize mommy and daddy just by seeing them! I love to be held, and I'm having some baby tantrums, I'm getting a bit spoiled :)

Mommy: She has more milk, getting about 4oz at night when she pumps. She still doesn't have enough for me that is why I get formula twice a day. Her binder now fits her perfectly, she doesn't look preggo anymore!!!

Food: 6 oz at night and 4 oz of formula during the day. The rest of the time just breastfeeding.

Sleeping: Mostly 5 to 6 hrs a night! If I wake up earlier my mommy gives me my pacifier and moves my pack n play and most of the time I fall asleep.


Nov 19: Went home!!
Nov 20: First hair cut, just a bit :)
Nov 23: First Drs appointment
Nov 29: My umbilical cord stump fall off
Dec 5: my first laugh!